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About this event
All area boaters are welcome to participate in the Gig Harbor Yacht Club's Lighted Boat Parade, whether or not you are a member of the Gig Harbor Yacht Club!! Sign up by clicking the "Registration" button to the right. You will receive details and additional information about the parade.
The Gig Harbor Lighted Boat Parade, sponsored by the Gig Harbor Yacht Club, is on December 9th 2023 at 5pm. This is a great opportunity to decorate your boat and light up the harbor for the enjoyment of the on-lookers ashore and your fellow mariners. Most important, it’s a load of fun to be on the dark water, sparkling with lights – a real thrill.
Come join us!! The parade is sponsored by the Gig Harbor Yacht Club, but anyone with a boat and a light and a sense of adventure is invited to participate, whether you are Gig Harbor Yacht Club members or not. Everyone is invited, from big fishing boats to gutsy kayakers.
As in past years, the parade route will start at Arabella’s Marina at 5:00 PM and make two complete laps around the harbor. Detailed procedures will be sent out before the event, but there should be no surprises for those who have sailed before.
You can sign up by sending your name, boat name and length, and email address to OR click the Register button to the right and add your name to the list.
There is no charge, and no obligation, and the decision to participate in the parade, or not, is solely up to you.
In years past we have had over 60 boats beautifully lit, and the line of lighted boats made an amazing spectacle, stretching all around the harbor. We hope to do the same thing this
year, so please come join us in putting on a show for the Harbor!!
For further information or questions, email
Let’s have fun and light up the harbor again this year!!

Gig Harbor Bay
Registration Info
Registration is recommended
The Parade will begin December 9th at 5pm. Please monitor VHF Channel 9 for instructions and parade announcements.