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About this event

Opening Day
Seattle Yacht Club
May 3-5, 2024
It’s time again for Opening Day at Dock 0!
Come by car or boat for any or all
of these great activities!!
If you want to come by boat and stay on Dock 0, call, text, or e-mail Mike Burton for further information:
It's time to get this Dock 0 party started!
Robert and Leah Philpott's famous "Harbor Grog"
begins at 5:30pm
All the clubs participate!
Wander the dock to check out other offerings!
Opening Day Regatta
(a little after 10 am)
Social and collegiate skull races in the Montlake Cut
Decorated Boat Parade
Look for the fantastic GHYC entries!
afternoon Happy Hour on the dock or the SYC bar!
Fireside Room Dinner
a GHYC tradition for over 50 years
$64 pp
prior registration required by deadline
Go to the Separate Registration form on the
Event Calendar for Saturday May 5th
*proper attire
men-slacks/sport coat (tie optional)
women-business casual/after 6 attire
If you are coming by boat
you are expected to attend the dinner.
If you are driving up on Saturday, dinner is recommended!
More information on Opening Day events will be announced.
Boaters will be receiving an
Opening Day week information packet
(including Dock 0 rules and regulations) via e-mail.
Do NOT contact SYC!
Commodore Mike Burton will do all registrations and dockage assignment.
There is no fee to stay at Dock 0, but remember,
there is no water or power.
Maximum boat length is 60 ft.
Please feel free to call or e-mail Mike with any questions.
Event Contact(s)
P/C Mike Burton
Registration Info
Registration is not Required