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Gig Harbor Yacht Club
8209 Stinson Ave
Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Event Contact(s)
Gregg Peters
Business Meeting
Registration Info
Registration is recommended
About this event
Landscape Work Party
This Saturday, Dec.16 from 0900-1200, please join your fellow GHYC volunteer members in an effort to enhance the outside appearance of the GHYC for the holiday season including the New Years Party. Short of awful weather, we will be raking leaves (there is an overabundance of them on the parking lot), weeding, trimming hedges, removing dead vegetation from the basement area and tree branches from the parking lot boundary. Gordon would also like assistance to unload 4 telephone pole sections that will become replacements for some of the current rotting ones. Bring some appropriate tools, gloves and high spirits. Feel fee to contact Gordon Robilliard at 253-209-4908 or for any information or questions. We thank you and the GHYC thanks you for your participation.
Again, please contact Gordon Robilliard at 253-209-4908 if you have any questions
or need information. Water and drinks will be provided.